wildbeasty's Articles In Life
May 8, 2005 by wildbeasty
I do not know who the author is. However, I found this to be very insightful and wise. So, I decided to post this and share it with everyone. People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON , it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you phys...
May 9, 2005 by wildbeasty
Have any of you ever pondered about singular decisions in your lives that have lead you to where you are today? Well, I suppose you could say that all the decisions in your life have lead you to where you are today. However, I believe that decisions such as what you might happen to wear and what you eat are of less signficance than those events, that in hindsight, you know would have forever changed the outcome of your life. I'll tell you of one such incident that would have lead me on a...
January 18, 2007 by wildbeasty
I am thinker above all else; I daily ponder life and its effects; I question and reason meaning for existence itself and why the need to find meaning in seemingly chaotic and unrelated events and happenstances. By chance, or not, I came across a book named The Secret, or rather a movie for which a book was made and this book has explained something that I have understood from my mother and father, grandmothers and grandfathers, and friends. The premise is that our thoughts create our re...
March 27, 2006 by wildbeasty
I came across an interesting article in the April 2006 issue of Discover magazine. The title is the 2% difference. The article discusses the human vs. chimp genome; that they (or we) are only 2% different from one another (at least as far as our DNA is concerned). It further goes on to say that chimps are "sentient," "can learn to logic operations with symbols, and they have a relative sense of numbers. Yet those behaviors don't remotely approach the complexity and nuance of human behavio...
November 12, 2005 by wildbeasty
A quote from a song I like says "Every new beginning is some other beginning’s end." Since the song is about "closing time” at the bar, I don't necessarily think that it's meant as some great philosophical treatise on life, however it does raise some interesting questions regarding life in general. Must every thing end? Life, relationships, stuff, everything? When it's all said and done, does entropy have hold on us all? Even when two people have been married for and advanced number o...